

Just like us, plants need a nutritious diet to grow healthy and strong. We’ve got a rundown of some of the very best organic and veganic ways to feed them.

75 articles

How Mono-Silicic Acid Can Change Your Grow For The Better

Having been in the HVAC side of farming for many years, I have always hesitated to look into the side …

Chemistry 101: All You Need To Know About Water For Your Plants

Water, Water Everywhere Earth has a lot of water. Ocean water covers about 71% of the Earth’s surface and makes …

How a Topdressing of Easily Accessible Mycelium Can Raise Your Growing Game

…together and fruit again. Oyster mushrooms, the easiest and most common mushroom you’re likely to find as a tabletop “fruit your own” kit, enjoy eating up all the landscaping woodchips,…

Garden Advice: Ways to Feed your Plants Naturally

All plants need 17 naturally occurring elements to grow, flower, fruit and reproduce successfully. However, they require different quantities depending …

Tips And Tricks To Fertilizing The Home Garden

Finding the right balance of nutrients for plants is a constant process of giving and taking. First, we improve the …

Incredible Farm: A Model for the Future of Adaptive, Regenerative Farming

It’s a dry spring day at Incredible Farm, a mixed 5-hectare smallholding tucked away in the West Yorkshire hills. The …

The Stench Of Power: Making Comfrey Tea

Imagine the stereotypical organic grower working in their garden during the summer: dungarees tucked into wellies, straw hat perched jauntily …

The Case For Calcium: Why It’s Essential To Your Garden

When many people think of helping plants achieve big yields, the prominent three NPK supplements often come to mind. Growers …

The Dos and Donts of Reusing Substrates

Have you ever considered reusing substrates? It’s a practice that few people follow but one that can save money, time, …

Permaculture Diaries: Why Raising Chickens in the Forest is Best

Chickens are native to the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia. But over the last approximately 8,000 years, they have been …

Pesto an Awesome By-Product of Cover Cropping the Garden

Cover cropping is something I love to do; it’s like pressing reset on the garden bed you’re working on. Cover cropping …

Garden Tea Party: Give Your Seedlings And Roses A Boost With This Easy Alfalfa Tea

We all want the best for our seedlings, right? If you’re looking to give your babies a growth-enhancing nitrogen boost, …

Chitin: The Secret To Organic Gardening

What do crustaceans, insects, oyster shells, fish scales, and fungi all have in common? These organisms all contain an interesting …

Why Fertilizing Indoor Plants In The Winter Is a Bad Idea

Winter days are for admiring indoor plants and showering them with tender loving care. Although tempting, don’t go overboard with …

Garden Tools: A Basic Introduction To Enzymes

Enzymes are essential organic molecules found in all living organisms, including plants and humans. Without enzymes, the complex reactions within …

Cation and Anion Exchange Capacity And Why It Matters To Your Grow

The Science Corner will help readers learn about complex topics in the horticultural and hydroponic industries without the confusing jargon …

A Guide To Nutrient Dosing Machines

I’m typically a sucker for gadgets and technology—a marketeer’s dream. Despite this, I must concede that I find even the …

Giving Your Plants An Edge With Mycorrhizae

Home growing and gardening is one industry that is booming during “lockdown” as people look to fill their time, relax, …

Top Superfoods You Should Be Feeding Your Plants

Superfood by no means describes foods with an unusually high content of macronutrients, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, because that would make low-fat curd cheese, palm oil, and sugar superfoods par excellence. Instead, the term refers to foods that contain many substances that otherwise occur only in small amounts, and which are said to have a health-promoting effect, such as omega-3 fatty acids.

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