Water is never just water. It is the universal solvent and collects just about everything in its path. We go to great lengths to ensure that our drinking water is clean and safe because we know that tainted water can make us sick. The same goes for our plants. Heavy metals, chemical contamination, poor oxygen levels, and pathogenic, anaerobic microbes can negatively impact the health of your plants.
Fortunately, testing and treating your water has never been easier. But, unfortunately, that is just the beginning. HOW, WHEN, and WHAT you feed your plants is equally essential when it comes to gardening. The kind of plant, the substrate, and your environment will dictate how best to manage your water and nutrient schedule.
In this edition, we will try to help you create the best watering practices for your garden.
Light always plays a role in plant morphology and plant physiology. Water and Light: Hydrophilic Physiology by Brian Gandy explains the relationship between light, heat, and water. To complicate things, many plants require different watering methods for different stages of their life. Doug Jacob’s gets more specific in Crop Steering Through Flowering and Fruiting.
Not to preach from my soapbox, but according to most climate scientists, time is running out, and we need to act. One of the top things we can do is to grow our own food. If everyone takes one small step, it will equal a giant leap.
Happy Gardening