container gardening
A 101 Guide To Repotting Houseplants
How To Grow Potatoes In Containers And Buckets
Garden Strategies to Cope with Drought – Part 2
Container Gardening 101: Thrillers, Fillers, And Spillers
Transplanting Precious Tomato Seedlings Into Bigger Containers
Recycling Lost Space To Grow Food

With the increasing urban sprawl, food to feed city dwellers must be produced far away from where it is consumed.
Food must be transported to cities by air, rail or truck, generating significant amounts of pollutants and greenhouse gases. According to the Worldwatch Institute, the food that makes up a typical American plate must be transported an average of 1,500 miles before being eaten.
Foodscaping: A “New” Way To Create A Garden
Purple Food: Hot Crops for 2017
Plastic Pots Reducing Your Harvest?

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