
Av Singh

Av Singh, PhD, PAg is an advocate of regenerative organic agriculture serving various organizations including Regeneration Canada, Navdanya, and the Canadian Organic Growers.

5 Articles

Can Plants Think, Feel, See, Hear, and Smell?

Are plants similar to humans? Can they think, feel, and communicate? In this article, Av Singh looks at the not-so-secret life of plants.

Tips and Tricks to Watering the Garden Like a Pro

Watering plants might seem a simple task but it’s actually complex. In this article, growing expert Av Singh offers tips for quenching your garden’s thirst.

Soilless SmackDown: Peat Moss versus Coco Coir

What’s your indoor growing medium of choice? Av Singh explores the pros and cons of coco coir versus peat so you can make the best choice for your grow.

Sugar, Sugar… The Truth Behind Simple Carb Supplements

Maple syrup in the garden? For centuries, natural farming techniques have incorporated natural sugar sources into growing. But why? Av Singh explains.

It Ain’t Over ‘til The Garden Bed Is Asleep – Fall Prep For A Healthier Spring

The harvest is nearly done, but you still have work to do in the garden! Av Singh guides us through some fall prep that will lead to a healthy spring.