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Issue 60

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

This edition guides you through IPM strategies and helps you solve pest and disease issues.

Issue 59

Finding Balance

Technology in the garden is ever-evolving. This issue takes a look at where we are at today.

Issue 58

Grow with the Flow

Water is life; don’t you want to give your garden the best?

Issue 57

How the Pros Grow

Looking for good growing advice? Garden Culture’s team of experts has got you! This edition offers great gardening tips from some of the best in the industry.

Issue 56

Garden RX

This Garden RX edition will inspire you to add plants that can provide that extra something when you need it most!

Issue 55

Organic & Regenerative

We love organic and regenerative gardening and keep circling back to this theme! Read about layered edible perennial gardens, organoponics, biochar, and more.

Issue 54

The Gift of Gardening Mistakes

Having a "green thumb" means you can listen to and understand what a plant needs just by looking at it. But what that plant is trying to tell you may not always be clear.

Issue 53

Growing Indoors

Bringing your garden indoors can be very rewarding, especially when you live in an area that only allows you to grow for a short time.

Issue 52


Being in control of your garden can be challenging. Flip through the pages to learn more from the experts.

Issue 51

You Know When You Grow

Looking to up your growing game? This edition has you covered. We’ll help you set up an indoor regenerative garden, boost your knowledge on mushrooms, and more.

Issue 50

New Days For Old Ways

Improve your organic and regenerative growing game! Read articles on IPM, garden inputs from the sea, and a project turning dry farmland into lush landscapes.

Issue 49

Growth Cycles

You can’t just plant something and hope for the best. This edition guides you through the growth cycles and how to support your garden every step of the way.

Issue 48

Mushrooms, Microbes & Mediums

Nutritious and delicious, this edition is packed with helpful information for growing mushrooms! Plus, read about substrates and how to use them in the garden.

Issue 47

10 Years & Growing Strong

Ten years and Still Growing Strong! Whether you’re a long-time grower or planning your first garden, we strive to publish useful, thought-provoking information.

Issue 46

Organic & Regenerative Growing

This edition is all about helping you make smart choices in the garden and for the planet. Learn about incredible regenerative growing techniques and more!

Issue 45

Piecing it Together

Garden Culture Magazine helps you piece it all together with the Essential Growers Tips'n Tricks issue.

Issue 44

Big Garden, Small Space

With food prices soaring, growing your own has never been more appealing. Read our expert tips on setting up a space to make indoor growing dreams a reality.

Issue 43

Par Wars

The hydroponic lighting industry is rapidly evolving! In this issue, read about the latest in LEDs and ventilation so you can improve your indoor growing game.

Issue 42

Super Cropping

Want to become an advanced grower? This edition is for you! Learn all about super cropping; bending, twisting, and training plants for better, healthier yields.

Issue 41

Water Is Life

Water is precious and we all need to use it wisely. In this edition, read about water-saving techniques and how to best use this resource in the garden.

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