
Emma Carter

Emma Carter developed a passion for nature and plants as a child thanks to having a keen vegetable grower as a Dad and the encouragement to run wild in rural England. As an adult, Emma enrolled in an Introduction to Permaculture course and qualified as a Forest School leader. She finally acquired her own allotment in 2015, eager to grow and learn about environmental sustainability while reaping the endless physical and mental health benefits gardening offers. After a year of working at the Incredible Aquagarden in Calderdale, she now manages an acre permaculture community garden in Lancashire. Emma is happiest with her hands in the soil surrounded by birdsong, with a pencil and pad to scribble down ideas and observations of the world around.

3 Articles

Community Gardens Are A Safe And Happy Space For Everyone

Community gardens are a safe space for people to come together and grow. Emma Carter writes about her experience managing a garden over the last few years.

A Crash Course On Winter Bees And How They Survive The Cold

You might think bees die in the winter, but they’re resilient creatures! Winter bees are fascinating insects. Learn all about them here.

Things You Can Do Throughout The Seasons To Keep Bee Hives Buzzing

When we think of helping the bees, we often only think of summer gardens. But even in the cold, there’s so much we can do to keep our bee hives buzzing!