
Alan Creedon

Alan worked in local food for over a decade and in that time was involved in retail, wholesale and growing local produce. He lives in the West Yorkshire hills with his wife, daughter, son and cat and loves walking in the hills and sleeping out in the woods. He published his first book last year. These days, he mostly teaches mindfulness and runs nature-based courses and events and writes. He also grows veg in his allotment and learns a lot through his experiences. He likes to combine the philosophical with the practical.

10 Articles

Relationships and Rethinking Profit in Local Food Business

We need to help create a buzz around local food! Alan Creedon shares his experience in helping small-scale farmers reach the people and make a profit.

Experimenting With Substrates: Homemade Soil Mixes

Ever wonder how a small regenerative farm makes it work? Alan Creedon tells us about substrate experimentation and homemade soil mixes at Incredible Farm.

Incredible Farm: A Model for the Future of Adaptive, Regenerative Farming

On rough terrain in the West Yorkshire Hills, Incredible Farm makes regenerative agriculture work. Alan Creedon shows us how this smallholding leads the way.

The Secret To Creating And Maintaining Local Food Networks

Local food networks don’t just happen; they take time, effort, and a whole lot of patience. The secret to creating and maintaining them is conversation.

Learning About and Cultivating Patience In The Garden

Things in the garden can change overnight. You can go from nothing to something, or from success to failure. That’s why we need to cultivate patience.

Garden Crossroads: To Dig, Or Not To Dig? That Is The Question

No-dig gardening leads to thriving soil life, but what if you actually like digging? Read about one gardener’s struggles and how he’ll learn to love no-dig.

Breaking Down Barriers In Local Food Movements with Conversation

Let’s start a conversation! Local food movements are more important than ever, but to help them succeed and run smoothly, people need to talk.

Cultivating Positivity As The World Faces Climate, Health Challenges

The news is always bleak: we are facing climate and health crises, and it’s all our fault. Here are some tips on cultivating positivity in challenging times.

Getting Back To Our Roots With Local Food Movements

Local food movements are experiencing a significant boom, and it’s been long overdue. We need to keep the momentum going, and we all play a role!