
In the Press

Hot off the press! Read all the latest news from around the world involving the environment, growing, gardening, the food we eat, and so much more.

181 articles

Reusable Takeout Containers Could Help Reduce Plastic Waste Produced By Restaurants

We’ve got a plastic problem, and we’re all to blame. From straws and sandwich bags to most food packaging, these …

Incredible Discovery of Fungi Stored At The Millennium Seed Bank

It might have the word “fun” in the name, but that doesn’t stop fungus from getting a bad rap. When …

Health Canada Wants To Know How You feel About More Glyphosate In Your Meals

Time is one thing we never seem to have enough of. But for Canadians, the Federal Government has decided to …

Community Gardens Offer Healthy Foods and Connections

The world of gardening has experienced a well-deserved boom over the last year as people look to become more self-sustainable …

First Light Farm Strives For Nutrition And Food Security in Revelstoke

Extraordinary circumstances sometimes have a way of sparking us into action; for Jesse Johnston-Hill and Chris Rubens, the COVID-19 outbreak …

Earth Day 2021 Calls For Immediate Environmental Action

There is no better or more crucial time to fight for our planet’s future than the present. Together, we celebrate …

How Hydroponics, Aquaponics, And Vertical Farming Are Helping End Hunger

Before any of us ever knew about COVID-19, we knew the world was facing a food crisis. The United Nations …

World Water Day 2021: What Does Water Mean To You?

What does water mean to you? In honor of World Water Day, we are all asked to consider the importance of …

Cow Farts and Burps are No Joke: How Some Companies are Curbing Livestock Gas

Companies worldwide are looking at innovative ways to curb the harmful effects gassy cows have on the environment. Between burps …

Protein-Packed Mealworms Approved For Human Consumption In EU

Can you see yourself sitting down at a restaurant and ordering a mealworm burger on a kaiser roll? Or picking …

A Possible Solution To Food Deserts

Researchers in Montreal, Canada have come up with a way to help people living in food deserts access nutritious and …

Can Agriculture Fix The Climate Crisis? Farmers At Global Summit Say Yes

Thousands of small-scale farmers worldwide are banding together to send a clear message: agriculture is the solution to the current …

Study Finds Playing In Greenery Can Boost Children’s Immune Systems

We all know that it’s important for children to play outside, but a new European study reveals that making that …

Report Looks To The Environment For Avoiding Future Pandemics

Is there a link between the environment and global pandemics? A recent report issued by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on …

Self-Sustainability In The Wake Of A Pandemic

As food vanished from the grocery shelves this spring, the seed market experienced a renaissance.  In both the United States …

Are You Up For A Challenge? November Is Vegan Month

Are you feeling up to a challenge? World Vegan Day is November 1st, but the entire month is also dedicated …

Kiss The Ground Delivers Critical Message For Solving Climate Crisis

Climate change is the most significant problem in our time. Every day we hear dire warnings about the state of …

Striving For Access to Nutritious, Locally Grown Food For All

Growing up in Jamaica, Jacqueline Dwyer and Noel Livingston remember eating like kings and queens. The warm climate allowed them …

Is Outdoor Education Here To Stay?

The lazy days of summer are behind us, and many kids worldwide are back in school, but education looks nothing …

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