Get more from your modules! PotDivider allows you to multiply your plant count without increasing system size. At a stroke, each of your pots is capable of holding four plants in segregated sections.
Excellent for tight-leaved varieties and herbs, the PotDivider is tailor-made for the 8.5 L / 2.2 gal pots. It also fits the 15 L / 3.9 gal pots. Both those pot sizes are compatible with the 1Pot, easy2grow, and Auto8 modules – meaning the potential number of applications is immense.
PotDivider is perfect for the pre-veg stage and is equally effective with plants that don’t require the run of an entire pot. A partitioned base removes the need for a pebble layer in the bottom of the pot. Then, when the time comes, PotDivider lifts out cleanly, bringing your nascent plants with it, making the process of removing plants and repotting (in the self-same module!) an absolute cinch.
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