
Build Your Own Planters with Legos

Gardeners have always been a thrifty bunch. Growing plants in anything you find that will hold some soil seems like a recent trend, but it’s really nothing new. Old shoes, buckets that leak, used tires, a cracked teapot, or coffee cans with punctured bottoms are just some of the found objects people have grown flowers, herbs, and even vegetables in for a long time. If it works and it’s free, the growing crowd has always eagerly adopted it.

But Legos? First I found the indoor Lego garden, and have been wanting to share it with you for a while. Then I came across the outdoor version. Not that you couldn’t grow in Lego planters outside, but only in small scale. Like do you have enough Legos on hand to construct a raised bed garden? Most people don’t, and if they have kids who still play with the blocks, mom or dad would not be real popular confiscating the blocks. Many is the child who would feel it fair to remove the walls of your container, because you shorted him on building materials. After all, you’re probably not playing with them anymore.

Togetherfar Blocks: Instant Raised Garden BedsA cool idea. You can reconfigure the layout, increase the heights on the sides, and generally have a little fun at designing your planter.  While I can’t see it working well for the toy version of Legos, give some thought to just how useful these Togetherfarm Blocks would be for growing things that need hilling as the season progresses. Crops like potatoes and leeks, or trench celery. Just add a row or two and raise your soil level. Buying more as needed would certainly make collecting these snap together outdoor blocks more budget-friendly.

No tools necessary. Modular, lightweight and simple to work with. You can take them anywhere and erect a planter in as many places too. Add a plywood base for growing on the deck. The screw holes molded into each block has several benefits depending on how you use them. They work just as well indoors for small herb gardens by simply flipping them over and planting inside the block itself.

You’ll feel even better about using Togetherfarm Blocks when you discover that they are made from food-grade recycled plastic. Thanks to their Kickstarter Campaign last year we have one more way to reduce the amount of trash that heads to landfills.



You can buy the outdoor building blocks from www.Togetherfarm.com.

In need of more Legos? They’re pretty expensive brand new. Start cruising garage sales and flea markets where you might find them in small quantities at a lower cost. Check Craigslist too.

Togetherfarm Blocks image courtesy of Togetherfarm.com.

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Tammy Clayton

Contributing Writer at Garden Culture Magazine

Tammy has been immersed in the world of plants and growing since her first job as an assistant weeder at the tender age of 8. Heavily influenced by a former life as a landscape designer and nursery owner, she swears good looking plants follow her home.