
by Amber

DIY Cool Indoor Garden Planters from Junk

You certainly won’t find any plant containers like this for sale at your local garden center or discount store. Things like this call for some crafty upcycling of whatever comes your way. This guy really has some imagination when it comes to finding great uses for odds and ends that most people would instantly give to the garbage gods. That is what you do with the roller ball inside an empty deodorant bottle isn’t it?

Silly you, they could be eyes. Every deodorant ball gives you a matching pair. Old appliance knobs? Don’t throw away some perfectly good feet. Add some cheap metal parts from the building department at the hardware store, and you’ve got a start on creating something very unique.

Recycled Indoor Garden ContainersWhile you might want to stick to housing your drought garden of cacti in the window in cute little robot pots, you could grow some herbs using the same types of pieces this designer did. Obviously to grow small fruiting plants you’ll need to graduate to larger container castoffs than the designer here has used, but he’s got some bigger planters in his galleries, so it’s definitely possible. Why have boring pots for your indoor herbs when you could have something worth lighting up and enjoying. Why not whip up some summer fun for the balcony or deck while you’re at it?

Citrus thymes are weeping plants and could offer you hair for your space-age planter man. What else can you grow while populating the edges of your patio space?

Don’t worry, you won’t need a lot of fancy tools. M.C. Langer gives you a list of those and some step by step instructions on the cool black robot planter that he made with a damaged drip coffee maker housing. Junk being whatever you come across, yours may look quite different. Still, it could very well turn out very awesome, perhaps cooler than these examples.

Here’s a couple more of these high tech indoor garden container designs that really caught my eye:

Herb Containers from Junk

Visit Langer’s Instructubles page HERE for more info and instructions.

What day is rubbish collection where you live? Time to start dumpster diving and cruising the curb in search of potter parts possibilities. Don’t forget flea markets and garage sales as a great source for cheap robot planter parts.

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The garden played a starring role from spring through fall in the house Amber was raised in. She has decades of experience growing plants from seeds and cuttings in the plot and pots.