
Brightside Produce

Captain’s Flat, New South Wales, Australia

Emily Yarra and Michael Kobier are a dynamic young couple practising biological regenerative farming on under an acre of land. Their farm is about an hour and a half south-east of Canberra and sits around 950 metres above sea level with a challenging cool-temperate climate and extreme temperatures.

They time their crop planting and harvesting around scorching hot summers, and at times, drought and frost. Despite these conditions, all seasonal produce is grown without chemicals. They model their family-based farm on traditional European and Asian smallholdings with all crops cultivated by hand. They choose varieties for intensive planting in compact spaces and calculate the spacing between plants to maximise every centimetre.

Emily and Michael offer a weekly or fortnightly pre-paid subscription to a mixed produce box servicing the Canberra region. They supply several Canberra-based chefs who love working with local, seasonally fresh ingredients.

Check out Brightside Produce for yourself!

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Anne Gibson

Speaker, author and urban garden community educator.

Anne Gibson, The Micro Gardener, is a speaker, author and urban garden community educator on the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland, Australia. Anne is passionate about inspiring people to improve health and wellbeing, by growing nutrient-dense food gardens in creative containers and small spaces. Anne regularly presents workshops, speaks at sustainable living events, coaches private clients and teaches community education classes about organic gardening and ways to live sustainably. She has authored several eBooks and gardening guides. Anne shares organic gardening tips and tutorials to save time, money and energy on her popular website.