Alchemy Farm offers the ultimate sensory garden experience. More than 120 varieties of beautiful, fragrant flowers grow with the seasons on the 10-acre farm. The flower fields are a haven for bees and pollinators; no chemicals or pesticides are used on the property. The Alchemy Farm Flower Music Garden Tour offers nature-lovers an opportunity to hear tunes created from the flowers’ bio-energy! Using a device called Music of the Plants, award-winning environmental artist Ingrid Koivukangas collects the bio-energy from the flowers and converts it into song. This awe-inspiring and therapeutic experience is available online due to the global pandemic, but the garden hopes to allow visitors back this summer so they can experience it in person. Beyond helping people reconnect with nature, Alchemy Farm aims to bring healing energy to the world by offering gardening classes.
Gardeners of all experience levels can participate in an online course on creating a flourishing and magical pollinator garden incorporating flowers, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. An online membership allows those near and far to learn about plants, various homestead activities like making jam, and take part in guided meditations. For people who can make it to the farm in the summer, Ingrid teaches floral design and intuition workshops at the farm. Alchemy Flower and Eco Heart oracle decks are available for purchase in the online store; these beautifully-designed cards offer messages of hope and inspiration from flowers. Partial proceeds from all sales go to KIVA loans to women in agriculture in developing countries.