
Balfour & Burleigh Garden

London, England, United Kingdom

Tucked away amongst the busy streets of West London between a hospital, a school and a housing estate, there is a little kitchen garden with long, undulating raised beds. Led in a no-dig style by Lady Lenzie and a couple of locals, it’s proving that food can be grown in many more urban spaces. With carefully planned companion planting, the garden is managed to fit the local climate. Brassicas are sown in late summer and overwintered; otherwise, Cabbage White decimation occurs. London’s microclimate allows Lady Lenzie to grow inspirational varieties such as Colombian and Caribbean sweet potatoes or beans from Mexico dating back to the 16th century. Her love of gardening started through her Grandma but lived out through her mother, who encouraged her to help pick beans and tomatoes in her family home garden. Reluctant at first, the curiosity about the wildlife, the smells and the tasting of new flavours took over. Now her children lure her grandchildren into the world of quality homegrown food and continue the joy of discovering life through being in the garden. Gardening has a tremendous impact on people’s lives – kids and adults equally. By sharing seedlings with the community and donating produce to a local charity, Lady Lenzie grows it with purpose and shares it with purpose.

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Vegetable grower, natural beekeeper and edible spaces designer. Lover of all soil and urban farming techniques. Former head of growing at Incredible Aquagarden.