The Incredible Edible movement has ballooned to over 1,000 groups worldwide, and IE Carmarthenshire is an inspiring one. Marie Turke, the co-founder and director of the group, has adopted another core message of Incredible Edible Todmorden – spreading kindness. All IE groups grow food to share so that anyone may benefit from it.
Last year, IE Carmarthenshire took it one step further and addressed food poverty issues highlighted by the pandemic. They stepped in to take care of the Back2Basics Community Garden in Llanelli after the first lockdown. Marie and five volunteers planted, watered and produced an unbelievable amount of food during the growing season.
Together with some of the supermarkets’ surplus food, this produce was shared amongst the local community as part of Incredible Food Share. The group hosted bread-making and sustainable craft courses and helped other organisations start or rejuvenate old gardening projects while keeping community spirits high. Sharing food, supporting the vulnerable and showing people how to grow has made a real difference.
IEC’s social media following has seen a spike in response to their provision of much needed online advice for first-time growers. In 2017, Incredible Edible Carmarthenshire were the winners of a Renew Wales’ Community Engagement and Collaboration Award’, and the events of 2020 have proven once again that it was well-deserved.