
As seen in: Issue 33

Edible Houseplants: Grow These Tiny Orange Hat Tomatoes

It’s time to turn our focus from the outdoor gardens to our indoor plant buddies! Beyond adding to the interior decor, houseplants are serious mood boosters, with sales skyrocketing in many parts of the globe during the coronavirus lockdown. This post’s featured houseplant is the Orange Hat Tomato; beautiful and edible too! Talk about pleasing the senses.

I grew this little gem for the first time this summer and was thrilled with the results. If you haven’t already tried growing the Orange Hat, consider adding it to your repertoire.

Orange hat tomatoes

Name: Orange Hat Micro Tomato

What You’ll See: When starting from seed, you’ll think there’s no way this tiny plant will produce anything worth eating. But as it develops dark green foliage, clusters of gorgeous baby cherry tomatoes will begin forming, eventually turning a vibrant orange color.

Why We Love It: Because it’s small, prolific, and delicious. These tomatoes might be tiny, but they pack a whole lot of flavor. Super sweet and perfect for snacking, salads, or making jam. The more you pick, the more tomatoes you grow. Need we say more?

Growing Habits: Nice and compact, this baby grows to about 6-8” tall depending on the lighting conditions and lives comfortably in a 6” pot or one-gallon container.

How To Care For It: Got a sunny windowsill? Orange Hat’s thrive in them! As long as there’s some sun and the house is warm, expect to be picking fruit. This plant also does well on a patio or balcony. Water consistently and watch it grow.

Happy snacking!

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  • Jennifer says:

    I just ordered some orange hat seeds and am excited to try them. I was wondering is the orange hat determinate or indeterminate? Will it continuously produce fruit or produce one big crop for the whole season? Thank you!

  • Debbie Finkenbinder says:

    How do these tiny plants get pollinated? Do you hand pollinate?

    • Paula says:

      Tomato flowers have both parts needed within each flower to pollinate. It is the vibration of the bee that causes pollination. You only need to give them some tiny vibration when the flowers are open.

    • Catherine Sherriffs says:

      Exactly! You can use a tiny paintbrush to pollinate, or give the plant a gentle shake every day 🙂


Catherine Sherriffs

Editor at Garden Culture Magazine

Catherine is a Canadian award-winning journalist who worked as a reporter and news anchor in Montreal’s radio and television scene for 10 years. A graduate of Concordia University, she left the hustle and bustle of the business after starting a family. Now, she’s the editor and a writer for Garden Culture Magazine while also enjoying being a mom to her three young kids. Her interests include great food, gardening, fitness, animals, and anything outdoors.