Edward and Faina Privorotsky are behind Project P.A.C.E., which stands for Permaculture, Arts, Community, and Education. A former programmer, Edward was tired of sitting in front of a screen and wanted to develop sustainable technologies that are just as efficient as conventional agriculture.
By the time he launched the operation in 2014, Edward had already been building wood vermicomposters for several years. He rented a piece of land on the island of Montreal and turned it into a beautiful permaculture farm. After experimenting with hugelkultur, the Privorotsky’s adopted various sustainable practices, including a mobile chicken coop, chicken tractors in the orchard, and bio-shelters. Slowly but surely, they added ducks, goats, sheep, and alpacas to the chickens living on the farm. Farm tours take place on specific dates where the community can come and meet the animals.
Project P.A.C.E. also does mobile farm tours at daycares, schools, and birthday parties to bring joy to children and help them develop a level of comfort around animals. Since starting their project, Edward and Faina have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience while cooperating with nature. They say Project P.A.C.E. has taught them patience and how to nurture the Earth and its animals.