
Catherine Sherriffs

Editor at Garden Culture Magazine

Catherine is a Canadian award-winning journalist who worked as a reporter and news anchor in Montreal’s radio and television scene for 10 years. A graduate of Concordia University, she left the hustle and bustle of the business after starting a family. Now, she’s the editor and a writer for Garden Culture Magazine while also enjoying being a mom to her three young kids. Her interests include great food, gardening, fitness, animals, and anything outdoors.

372 Articles

Can Agriculture Fix The Climate Crisis? Farmers At Global Summit Say Yes

They are small-scale farmers with a big message: regenerative and local agriculture can solve the current climate crisis, and the time to act is now.

Make 2021 A Bountiful Year In The Garden With These Resolutions

Looking for a good New Year's resolution? Here's a list of ideas gardeners might like that will make them more self-sustainable, eco-friendly, and productive!

Get Cozy Over The Holidays: Great Gardening Books

It’s that time of year; Garden Culture has put together a list of five gardening reads to dive into over the holidays. Each one will make you a better grower!

Oh, Christmas Tree, Why Do We Decorate Your Branches?

Demand for Christmas trees is booming as people look to brighten their homes this holiday season. But why do we decorate trees? Here’s a brief history lesson.

Edible Landscape Movement Builds Food Security And Community

The edible landscape movement has people transforming their lawns into gardens, building both food security and community connections in uncertain times.

Treat Colds And Flu With This Easy Herbal Steam

With cooler temperatures here, cold and flu season is upon us. Breathe better and help ease congestion with this easy, all-natural herbal steam.

Out In The Greenhouse: Maintenance And Care

Greenhouse growers beware: there are many chores that need to be done every season to keep the greenhouse in tip-top shape. Here’s our fall maintenance guide.

How To Grow A Thanksgiving Herb Garden

The holiday season is upon us, which has everyone thinking about food. No matter what your favorite dish, these flavorful garden herbs help make it shine!

Edible Houseplants: Grow These Tiny Orange Hat Tomatoes

Looking for a houseplant that looks nice and tastes delicious? The Orange Hat Micro Tomato checks all of the boxes and is perfect for indoor or patio growing!

How To Grow Garlic In Northern Climates

Before planting garlic, it’s essential to know which varieties will perform well in your specific climate.

Why Cover Crops Are So Essential To The Organic Garden

Cover crops are essential to growing successful organic gardens. Our guide tells you which crops to look for, how to plant them, and why you need to grow them!

Extending The Growing Season With A Greenhouse

The cooler temperatures are here, the leaves have fallen to the ground, and many of us have closed our outdoor gardens for another year. But out in my greenhouse, life is good.