
Jesse Singer

Jesse grew up obsessed with movies and so it only makes sense that he graduated from McGill University with a degree in Political Science. He then put that degree to good use with a job at a video store. After that he spent months backpacking around Europe - a continent that he has been back to visit many times since. Jesse is super curious and loves to learn and explore new subjects. For the last 15+ years he has been writing online for a number of different sites and publications covering everything from film and television to website reviews, dating and culture, history, news and sports. He’s worn many hats - which is ironic because he actually loves wearing hats and he has many different ones.

61 Articles

5 Houseplants That Help Ease Depression And Anxiety

We could all use a mental health boost these days! Try growing these five houseplants to help relieve stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Grow Year-Round By Creating A Windowsill Garden

The cooler temperatures don’t have to bring the gardening season to an end. Grow herbs, fruits, and veggies year-round with an easy DIY windowsill garden!

How To Properly Store Your Saved Seeds

We know we can’t take seed stocks for granted; have you considered saving from your own garden? If so, follow these three quick tips for proper storage.

Flowers And Gardens An Inspiration For Many Works Of Art

It sounds cliche, but there is beauty all around us! Garden Culture’s Jesse Singer shows us how flowers and gardens inspire his photography and digital art.

Build Your Own Rainwater Collecting System

Water is a precious resource that can’t be wasted. Give your garden a drink using rainwater collected with this harnessing system. Easy DIY for a rainy day!