
USA & Canada Issues

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Issue 40

Technology In The Garden

Do technology and agriculture belong together? In this issue, we take a look at some of the cooler gadgets available to growers and some low-tech options, too.

Issue 39

Substrates and Containers

What kind of container should you grow in and what substrate should you use? Can we reuse growing media from year to year? This issue has some of the answers.

Issue 38

Regenerative Agriculture

Our social conscience got the best of us in this issue about organic and regenerative growing. We can all play a part in saving our planet. Find out how.

Issue 37

Pest Control

From tomato blight to whitefly infestations, pests and diseases can suck the joy out of growing. This issue is packed with tips and tricks to avoid them all!

Issue 36


Plants are medicinal! Find out where it all began and why comfrey is so good for us and the gardens. Also, grow monster plants organically.

Issue 35

Indoor Growing

Indoor growing is on the rise! Read about making the transition from HID to LEDs, all about organic cloning, and the history or hydroponics.

Issue 34

Growing With Data

Data in the garden; how to use the numbers to your advantage. Also, switching to nutrient dosing machines and self-sustainability in a pandemic.

Issue 33

Organic Gardening

Get your organic garden to thrive! Read tips for all-natural pest control along with articles on steering mothers and cuttings and guerilla gardening.

Issue 32

Plant Steering

In this issue, read an introduction to crop steering, all about growing vintage veggies, and the when, what, and why of microbial products.

Issue 31

Superfood For Plants

Learn about the best superfoods for your plants. Also, why hardening off is so important and find out how to cope with serious drought in the garden.

Issue 30

How Bright Are Your Lights?

Are your lights bright? Read about the PPFD trap and understanding nutrient uptake. Also, silicon and the green revolution, and air-purifying plants.

Issue 29

It All Starts With A Seed

It all starts with a seed. Learn about seed priming and how to do a seed soak solution. Also, growing a healthy society and creating urban orchards.

Issue 28

LED It Bee

Led It Bee; this issue hums a sweet tune about LED lights and helping our pollinators. The lost art of seed saving and helping gardens beat the heat.

Issue 27


This issue is all about fungi; learn about whats going on beneath our feet. Also, the foliar frontier and how to detox with fruit and fasting.

Issue 26

Living Soil

It’s alive! Read about living organic soil and the many benefits of stinging nettle and biochar. Also, learn how to grow ancient Aztec veggies!

Issue 25

The Balance Edition

Finding balance in the garden is essential. To prune or not to prune? Read about the biochemistry of cold and making black gold. And, what’s a CAFO?

Issue 24

The Flowering Cycle

Read about the biology of the flowering cycle and find tips on how to train your plants. Also, how Paul Newman’s old watch is doing serious good.

Issue 23

The Vegetative Cycle

Treat your plants right in the vegetative cycle. Learn how to steer them and get tips on foliar feeding. Also, a garden in the desert makes it work.

Issue 22

It All Starts With Water

This issue makes a splash with articles on the water pioneers and how to harvest rainwater. Also, find out how microbes work in hydroponics.

Issue 21

Nature & Tech

Nature and technology collide! Do more plants along highways lead to fewer accidents? Also, grow room analytics and bringing life to the garden.

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